
G R A T E F U L ღ

Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes my precious people! 
And ofc. also a big thank you for the gifts and hanging out with me ;')


Random posing



I've been wanting mermaid/unicorn hair for three years now
and I kinda got mermaid-ish hair now
thanks to my purple bae 
she dyed my hair in different shades of green and I love it
too bad my hair didn't catch the blue and pink dye ;(
but I love it nonetheless 

let's start the hair journey, shall we?!

bae told me to first remove my dark red hair and then bleach it afterwards
I couldn't do it myself because I have long thick hair and I've never dyed long hair before
so she did everything *v* thank you so much!
ugggh I still remember the smell
it smells like rotten egg wtf
anyway this was the colour to remove my dark red hairdye
it kinda worked
my hair got lighter

After colour removal 

so these are the hair colours bae used for my hair

Movie & Pizza :'D 
a burrrritttttoooo in my hair
I look so young from the back wtf


the end result


BREEZY at VESTIVAL 2015 Malieveld

The Vestival was EPIC
Hands down for the organisation whooo~
They did an awesome job 

Breezy came to the Netherlands on August 1 and he gave an open air concert
 at Malieveld in the Netherlands 
It was my first time seeing Breezy in real life
My heart was racing when Breezy came on stage lol
and damn he can dance omg
his moves are so sleek

By the way I went to the Vestval with my Breezy babe & my new friend JP 
Thank you guys for keeping me company and ofcourse thank you for coming <3 

P.S These pics aren't mine
so all the credits go to peeps who took the lovely shots
thanks for sharing them on Instagram



We didn't know this but Breezy stayed at the Manhatten hotel in Rotterdam
he took a photo in front of the hotel AND SO DID WE 


Animecon 2k15

Shout out to Nayuki! Couldn't go without her <3 

Waiting for Nayuki & Taszy with my buddies Cleopatra and Bruce the cat
why not use the time very wisely by taking a mirror selfie right? 
I was dressed up as a gothic punk rock angel
I arrived at the World Forum Center round 16:00 p.m.
got dressed in the bathroom at Animecon
was ready around 16:30 p.m.
and then it was time to show my outfit (*v*)

I met up with Nayuki & Taszy around 16:50 p.m.
and went to the dealerroom with the ladies
My mom gave me €55 for Animecon<3
I gave 27 to Nayuki and the rest was for my future loot
I'm happy with the stuff I got and budget shopping is kinda easy
 It's not about the amount of stuff you buy at the dealerroom
but it's about showing your outfit and admire other people's cosplay

I had fun and I miss it now :'(
getting emotionel over here

Nayuki made her own outfit
she started from scratch
I admire her hard work and dedication
also she's very creative

Taszy's outfit was from Assassin Creed
so freaking awesome!
She didn't wore it on the day I was there but
I'm sure it looks hella awesome in real life
thanks for tagging me Nayuki 
and look I have a photo with Rilakkuma 
photo credits: Jim de Groot ;')
The biggest thing I really admire about Animecon is that they are really good at getting famous cosplayers from all over the world to the Netherlands
I met Yuegene Fay and Yaya Han last year
they were amazing and I hope to meet them again at an cosplay convention....maybe Animecon again? :'D

The special guests of this years convention were Reika from Japan, TaeYeon from Korea, Wirru and Tsubaki from Australia, Shappi from Poland and Kuroru (Anastasia) from Russia.
Also Yu Wong came :'D a cosplayer from Hong Kong

Animecon's schedule

shoes of the day
these shoes are perfect for cons like this
 since I can't wear them to school
the dealerroom was amazing just like last year
amazing but very pricy
you really have to dig into all the stuff
just to find cheap ones


stuff I got for free 
Rilakkuma book readers